Sanskriti Geddes Scholarship 2015

Sanskriti Geddes Scholarship 2015

Sanskriti Geddes Scholarship 2015: Students who are interested in architecture and town planning can apply to this Sanskriti Geddes Scholarship. This Geddes Scholarship was introduced by Sanskriti Foundation for the study of the methodology and principles of Geddes town planning from students. The main motto of Geddes Scholarship understands of town planning. This scholarship will provide an opportunity to create awareness among young planners and architects of Geddes’ principle of ‘place, work, and folk’.

Patrick Geddes and his son Arthur Geddes have introduced this Geddes scholarship who had a long association with India. The work of Patrick Geddes continues to serve as a catalyst for today’s sustainable city movement. Patrick Geddes spent almost a decade in India after coming out during the First World War. He was impressed by India’s urban centers, and what he saw as a spirit of harmony between architecture, water-bodies, public spaces and trees.

Sanskriti Geddes Scholarship Eligibility Criteria:

1) This Scholarship is only for Indian Nationals
2) Age limit should between 20 to 30 years
3) The candidate must be a student of planning and architecture at a UG/PG/research level
4) Candidate should young practicing professional
5) The applicants can be an individual or can be a collaborative work of a group of individuals.

Sanskriti Geddes Scholarship amount details:

1) Scholarship duration is for 6 months
2) The amount of scholarship is Rs.45, 000/-
3) This amount will be given in 2 installments.
4) 1st installment at the time of commencement and 2nd installment after completing the project.

Sanskriti Geddes Scholarship Agreement:

1) The applicant will have to sign an agreement with Sanskriti Pratishthan pertaining to a regular flow of work during the scholarship period.
2) The candidate should not be holding another scholarship/fellowship or working on any other project at the same time.
3) In the event of non-completion and non-compliance to any of the terms and conditions mentioned above the scholarship amount must be returned.

Way to apply for Geddes Scholarship:

Interested Candidates should send a two page CV. The Full postal and telephonic contact details together with E-mail id should be submitted to facilitate contact.
The names and contact addresses/telephones of two referees should also be sent. The application should bear the title ‘Sanskriti – Geddes Scholarship’ on the envelope if sent by post on head office address and in the subject line if e-mailed on


Head Office,
Sanskiti Foundation,
C-11, Qutab Institutional Area,
New Delhi-110016.

If any Queries please contact

Phones: 91 11 2696 3226, 2652 7077
Fax: 91 11 2685 3383

Click here for more details

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