480 Job Vacancies in Operation & Maintenance Wing of BANGALORE METRO RAIL CORPORATION LIMITED
Company Profile:
BANGALORE METRO RAIL CORPORATION LIMITED is a joint venture of two Governments, namely Karnataka and India. BMRCL got the responsibility of implementing the Bangalore metro rail Project. BMRCL not only adds beauty to the city but also comfort to the passengers.
Job Profile:
The selected candidates are appointed as Train Operator and Maintainer. There are 350 posts for Maintainer and 130 posts for Operator. Matriculation pass and ITI/Diploma in various streams are eligible to apply for posts. Applications are allowed through online only. Knowledge of Kannada is must. Before applying please go through the official notification link given below. Jobway wishes you the All The Best.
Job Name: Maintainer
Vacancies: 350
Qualification: Matriculation and Two years ITI in any one of the following specific Engineering Trade: Electrician / Instrument Mechanic / Mechanic Radio and TV / Electronics Mechanics / Wireman / Fitter / Mechanic Computer Hardware / Mechanic -Industrial Electronics / Information Technology & Electronics System Maintenance / Mech.Communication Equipment Maintenance, Masonry, Carpentry, Building. Refrigeration and AC Mechanics Mechanic Mechatronics or equivalent qualifcation
Job Name: Operator
Vacancies: 130
Qualification: Matriculation and Three years Diploma in Electrical Engineering / Electrical & Electronics Engineering / Telecommunications / Electronics & Communication Engineering / Electrical power Systems / Industrial Electronics / Mechanical Engineering or equivalent qualification .
Last Date: 13th Oct 2014
How to Apply: Click Here
For more details: Click Here