TSPSC Recruitment for 1000 Agriculture Extension Officer Grade-II Vacancies
TSPSC Recruitment for 1000 Agriculture Extension Officer Grade-II Vacancies
TSPSC Recruitment for 1000 Agriculture Extension Officer Grade-II Vacancies: TELANGANA STATE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION HYDERABAD Has issued recruitment notification for 1000 Agriculture Extension Officer Grade-II in Department of Agriculture Subordinate Service. They have totally 1000 vacancies. Candidate should posses’ bachelor’s degree or diploma in Agricultural Science. Candidate’s age limit should be 18 to 44 years. Aspirants who are selected in this Telangana State Public Service Commission Vacancies will get good pay band. The Pay scale is Rs.22, 460/- to 66,330/-. Eligible candidates can apply online before 19th May 2016. For more details like application fee, how to apply, selection process please follow the post.
Telangana State Public Service Commission AEO Vacancies 2016
No.of Posts: 1000
Name of the Post: Agriculture Extension Officer Grade-II
I. BSC (Agriculture): 400 Posts
1. Adilabad: 58 Posts
2. Karimnagar: 26 Posts
3. Warangal: 60 Posts
4. Khammam: 26 Posts
5. Rangareddy: 02 Posts
6. Nizamabad: 47 Posts
7. Mahabubnagar: 86 Posts
8. Medak: 46 Posts
9. Nalgonda: 49 Posts
II. Diploma in Agricultural Engineering: 100 Posts
1. Adilabad: 14 Posts
2. Karimnagar: 07 Posts
3. Warangal: 15 Posts
4. Khammam: 06 Posts
5. Rangareddy: 01 Posts
6. Nizamabad: 12 Posts
7. Mahabubnagar: 21 Posts
8. Medak: 12 Posts
9. Nalgonda: 12 Posts
III. Diploma in Agricultural Polytechnic: 500 Posts
1. Adilabad: 73 Posts
2. Karimnagar: 32 Posts
3. Warangal: 74 Posts
4. Khammam: 33 Posts
5. Rangareddy: 02 Posts
6. Nizamabad: 59 Posts
7. Mahabubnagar: 107 Posts
8. Medak: 58 Posts
9. Nalgonda: 62 Posts
Age Limit Details: Candidates age should be between 18-44 years as on 01-07-2016. Age relaxation is applicable 5 years for SC/ ST/ BC, 10 years for Physically Handicapped persons & 3 years for Ex-Service men, others as per rules.
Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess Degree in Bachelor of Science in Agriculture/ Diploma in Agricultural Engineering/ Diploma in Agriculture Polytechnic (Seed Technology), (Plant Protection) and (Organic Farming).
Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on either online examination/ OMR.
Application & Examination Fee: Candidates should have to pay Rs. 200/- towards online application processing fee & Rs. 80/- towards examination fee by online through Internet Banking, SBI ePay, Debit Card, Credit card, IMPS – Mobile payments.
How to Apply for TSPSC Recruitment 2016: Eligible candidates can apply online through the website “www.tspsc.gov.in” from 04-05-2016 to 19-05-2016.
1. Before applying Applicants have to read the User Guide for Online Submission of Applications and then proceed further.
2. Candidates should have scanned copies of photo and signature.
3. Log on through the website www.tspsc.gov.in.
4. Click on the advertisement.
5. Fill the OTR application if not registered earlier to obtain TSPSC ID. While filling the same, the candidates have to ensure that there are no mistakes in it.
6. Immediately on entering the details, the applicant will get payment gateway of SBI ePay.
7. The applicant should pay the prescribed fee as specified through any of the four modes of payment online.
8. After payment of fee, the PDF Application will be generated which contains the particulars furnished by the candidates. The ID No in the PDF Application form has to be quoted for future reference/ correspondence.
TSPSC 1000 Agriculture Extension Officer Recruitment notification