National Aluminium Company notification for HR |

National Aluminium Company notification for HR

welcome to jobway, National Aluminium Company has issued recruitment notification 2014. National Aluminium Company is inviting application for HR Position. candidates who are waiting for this NALCO notification can utilize this opportunity. The Walkin date is 18th and 19th June 2014.The selected candidates in NALCO vacancie 2014 will get good pay band.For more details kindly read the notification on official website

Name of the post : National Aluminium Company

Pay scale: Rs.10200/- p.m

vacancies: 04

job Location : Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Age limit : 28 yrs

Qualification : PG, MBA.


Sr. No. Name of Post No. Of Vacancies Stipend Age Limit Educational Qualification and Experience
1 HR 04 Rs. 10200/- pm UR-28 Yrs.SC/ST-33 Yrs.

OBC-31 Yrs

Full time recognized degree in any
discipline with recognized PG Diploma in
Personnel Management/ Labour
Welfare / Industrial Relations / HRD /
HRM (duration not less than two years) or
MBA with specialization in PM/IR / HRD/
HRM (duration of not less than two years).
The percentage of mark throughout
academic career for general candidates
shall be 60% and for SC/ST/OBC category
shall be 50%.


walkin Date :18/06/2014 and 19/06/2014

walkin address mentioned below:

HRD Centre of Excellence,
Nalco Nagar,
Chandra Sekharpur,

click here for application form



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