10+2 Technical Entry Scheme Course in INDIAN army-JOB NOTIFICATION FORM INDIAN ARMY

10+2 Technical Entry Scheme Course in INDIAN army-JOB NOTIFICATION FORM INDIAN ARMY

Job vacancies for unmarried 10+2 examination passed male candidates subjects with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics and who have fulfill the eligibility conditions which are mentioned in the subsequent paragraphs. The grant of permanent Commissin in the Army after four years of Basic Millitary Training and Technichal Training thereafter with the terms and conditions given in the succeeding paragraphs.

10+2 Technical Entry Scheme Course in INDIAN army-JOB NOTIFICATION FORM INDIAN ARMY

Applications are invited from unmarried male candidates who have passed 10+2 examination with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (Hereinafter referred to as PCM) subjects and fulfill the eligibility conditions prescribed in the subsequent paragraphs, for the grant of Permanent Commission in the Army after 4 years of Basic Military Training and Technical Training thereafter with the terms and conditions given in the succeeding paragraphs.

Available Vacancies Are: 90 job vacancies

Qualification for the job vacancies:

Candidates who are with the qualification with 10+2 or its equivalent with the 70% of marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics from any educational board which is recognized are eligible to apply. As per the present instructions and guidelines in vogue of various states and central boards, the eligibility conditions for calculating % of PCM will be followed.

 Limit of the age:

A candidate’s age should be between 16½ and 19½ years on the commencing first day. Candidates who are applying for this job vacancy should not be born before 1st January 1996 not after 1st January 1999.

Applying Process: Candidates can apply online only

 Dates to be remembered:

Online application Opening date:   21-Oct-2014

Online registration Closing date: 28-Nov-2014


More:      http://www.davp.nic.in/WriteReadData/ADS/eng_10601_32_1415b.pdf

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