Bihar BCEBC Welfare Scholarship Application Form 2015-2016 Status Check

Bihar BCEBC Welfare Scholarship Application Form 2015-2016 Status Check

Bihar BCEBC Welfare Scholarship Application Form 2015-2016 Status Check: Bihar State Government has been declared a Bihar Welfare scholarship scheme for the students. These scholarships are only meant for the candidate who belongs to the categories of SC (scheduled caste), ST(Scheduled Tribe), EBC and BC (backward caste) by means of e z pay. The interested and eligible candidates can apply for this scholarship on online before ending the last date.

These Bihar post matric scholarships have been started by the Bihar’s state governments Backward and Extremely Backward Class Welfare Department (BEBCWD).

Bihar Is the 2nd state which is started this type of student welfare scholarships. The state government of Andhra Pradesh has been already started the AP epass scholarship programme. Through this Epass scholarship the students whose economical status is not good will get the benefit by continuing their studies without interruption.

The students related to SC, ST and OBC group’s candidates can get benefit through this scholarship programme. Through this Bihar Welfare scholarship programme the economically backward students can get maintenance allowance for their education process. The state government of Bihar has been founded the BCEBC WELFARE department to give the helping hand to the BC and EBC students whose financial status is not well. BCEBC WELFARE department of Bihar state will offer the services to the poor students which are given below.

1. Offering scholarship to the students who are belongs to the EBC class accompanied with grant for academic and note books and accessories.
2. Offering the loan opportunity for the students in a very less interest for the advancement and to start new schools and hostels in new areas to encourage their education.
3. starting collaborative for EBC candidates and offering economical help for their studies along with social advancement.

Under this Bihar Post Matric scholarships the candidates belongs to Other Backward Caste candidates can fill their fresh Bihar scholarship registration form for 2015 to 2016 year.
And the candidates who already got the Bihar scholarship for the previous academic year also update or renewal their Bihar scholarship form.

Eligibility for Bihar BCEBC Welfare Scholarship Schemes 2015-2016:

Inter candidates must have more than 80% marks
Student must be citizen of Bihar State.
The student’s income must not exceed Rs.1 lack (100000).
Students must have genuine caste certificate issued by the state government of Bihar
From every family only 2 candidates will get this scholarship
Scholarship allocation to States/UTs based on population of minorities
The scheme applied through the State Government or UT Administration

How to apply for Bihar BCEBC Welfare Scholarship Application Form 2015-2016 Online?

Step1. Open the Official site
Step2. Click on Bihar scholarship Online Application Form
Step3. First register by entering user and password
Step4. Then login to your account and fill the scholarship application
Step5. Upload a passport size photograph then sign in

Bihar BCEBC Welfare Scholarship Form Online Status Check 2015-2016

Open the Official site
Click on Scholarship Application Status
Enter user name and password to login
Then check your scholarship application form status.

Click Here: To check scholarship Form Status

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