Symptoms of Swine Flu, Treatment for swine flu, Vaccine for swine flu

Symptoms of Swine Flu Treatment for swine flu, Vaccine for swine flu

Swine flu is a dangerous disease, it transmitted from person to person. Swine flu is a respiratory disease caused by influenza viruses that infect the respiratory tract of pigs and result in a barking cough, decreased appetite, nasal secretions, and listless behavior; the virus can be transmitted to humans. H1N1 means its Swine Flu, it is spreading fast around the world. The best protection from this H1N1 Swine flu is to get a flu vaccine, or flu shot, every year. Swine flu is one of the viruses included in the vaccine.

symptoms of swineflu Treatment for swine flu, Vaccine for swine flu

symptoms of swine flu

Symptoms of Swine flu
severe Body pains
Sore throat
stuffy or runny nose

Treatment for swine flu, Vaccine for swine flu
The same flu vaccine that protects against seasonal flu also protects against the H1N1 swine flu strain. You can get it as a shot or as a nasal spray. Either way, it “teaches” your immune system to attack the real virus. Avoid people who are sick. Wash your hands throughout the day with soap and water. use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Don’t touch your eyes, nose, or mouth.

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