Kendriya Vidyalaya CRPF Durgapur walk-in Interview for PGT,TGT,Computer Coach etc Vacancies

Kendriya Vidyalaya CRPF Durgapur walk-in Interview for PGT,TGT,Computer Coach etc Vacancies

Kendriya Vidyalaya CRPF Durgapur walk-in Interview for PGT, TGT, Computer Coach etc Vacancies: Kendriya Vidyalaya CRPF Durgapur issued Recruitment Notification 2016 for PGT, TGT, Primary Teacher, PGT-Computer Science, Computer Instructor, Games & Sports Instructor, Dance Coach, Counselor, Yoga Teacher, Doctor and Nurse Vacancies. They will Conduct Walk-ins for these Vacancies from 17th February to 26th February 2016. Candidate’s age limit should be 30 to 40 years. The Aspirants must posses BE /Btech /PG /BEd /Graduate /Class 12th for these Kendriya Vidyalaya CRPF Durgapur vacancies. Candidates who are selected in these vacancies will get good pay band. The Pay scale for this vacancies is Rs.21, 250/- to 27,500/-. So Interested and Eligible candidates can walk-in to this Kendriya Vidyalaya Recruitment 2016. Please read the official website Notification for full posts details.

Kendriya Vidyalaya Recruitment 2016 walk-in details

Name of the organization: Kendriya Vidyalaya CRPF
Job location: Durgapur
Selection process: Interview

Educational Details:
The Aspirants must posses BE /Btech /PG /BEd /Graduate /Class 12th for these Kendriya Vidyalaya CRPF Durgapur vacancies.

Name of the posts:
1) PGT (English, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Commerce, Economics, History, Geography, Hindi)
2) TGT (Mathematics/ Science/ English/ S. ST/ Hindi and Sanskrit)
3) Primary Teacher
4) PGT (Computer Science)
5) PGT (Computer Science)
6) Computer Instructor
7) Games & Sports Instructor
8) Dance Coach
9) Counselor
10) Yoga Teacher
11) Doctor
12) Nurse

Candidates Age limits details:
1) PGT – 40 years
2) TGT – 35 years
3) Computer Instructor – 60 years
4) Doctor – 60 years
5) Nurse – 60 years
6) Counselor – 60 years
7) PRT – 30 years

Walk-in dates for Various Posts of Kendriya Vidyalaya Recruitment

1) PGT – 17th February 2016
2) TGT – 18th February 2016
3) Primary Teacher – 19th February 2016
4) PGT (Computer Science) – 22nd February 2016
5) Computer Instructor – 22nd February 2016
6) Games & Sports Instructor – 23rd February 2016
7) Dance Coach – 24th February 2016
8) Counselor – 25th February 2016
9) Yoga Teacher – 25th February 2016
10) Doctor – 26th February 2016
11) Nurse – 26th February 2016

Walk-in Time:
Candidates should walk-in along with Original certificates at 8:30am.

Click here for Kendriya Vidyalaya Recruitment notification

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