National Merit Scholarship Scheme for School, College and University students

National Merit Scholarship Scheme for School, College and University students

National Merit Scholarship Scheme for School, College and University students: THis Ministry of Human Resource Development Department of Higher Education introduced this Scholarship Scheme to provide Scholarship for Poor Merit Students. This Scholarship Scheme is Available from class Intermediate level to Post Graduation students. later the Department of Higher Education introduced this Scholarship Scheme for Secondary Stage of merit rural areas students from 6th class to 9th Class students. This scholarship scheme is divided among state Boards CBSE, ICSE on the basis of number of students passing out from various boards.

Main Motto of National Merit Scholarship Scheme :
This National Merit Scholarship Scheme main Motto is to provide fees, Day to day expences of Merit Students of Schools, Colleges, Universities and Professional courses like Engineering, Medical students for their Higher education. This Scholarship will be given on the basis of their merit in Secondary examination.

Eligibility for National Merit Scholarship Scheme :
Students Annual Income should not be exceed Rs.4.5lakh per annum. THis scholarship scheme is eligible for both general and reserved candidates, correspondence and distance mode students are not eligible for this scheme. Students who got 80% and above in their previous examination are eligible to apply for this National Merit Scholarship Scheme.

cost for Reservation candidates :
SC Students : 15%
ST Students : 7.5%
OBC Students : 27%
PWD Students : 3%

Selection Process for National Merit Scholarship Scheme :
Students will be selected for this Scholarship On the basis of merit and Parents Annual Income. The Boards /Universities /Authority in the State/Union Territory will write to the eligible students from the top of the merit list up to twice the number of scholarships available through a registered letter to confirm within 15 days whether he/she is prepared to accept the scholarship.

Required Documents :
1) Entitlement Card
2) lncome Affidavit form
3) A Form for’Statement of Particulars’

National Merit Scholarship Scheme scholarship Rate :
Graduates : Rs.1,000/- p.m
Post Graduates : Rs.2,000/-p.m
Professional Course : Rs.2,000/-p.m

click here for download and more details of National Merit Scholarship Scheme

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