Tirunelveli Anganwadi Recruitment 2017 – 139 Noon Meal Organizer Posts – nellai.tn.nic.in/Last Date 15th May 2017
Tirunelveli Anganwadi Recruitment 2017 – 139 Noon Meal Organizer Posts – nellai.tn.nic.in
Tirunelveli Anganwadi Recruitment Details:139 vacancies for the posts of Noon Meal Organizer are offered by Tirunelveli Anganwadi through a new notification of employment. Suitable skills acquired aspirants are suggested to apply offline not later than final date. Sensible and self motivated candidates should visit the official website of Tirunelveli Anganwadi to submit offline application successfully. There will be commenced exam/ interview to recruit keen desired appliers for this position, so guys prepare well. Recruited candidates will get all the benefits related to these posts.
Form deliver steps associated with highlights of Tirunelveli Anganwadi Recruitment are shown below by the team members of this portal for all the visitors to help them. Ending date to submit duly filled offline application is 15th May 2017. Brand new notices of latest posts in this agency will be seen in the official website of this Tirunelveli Anganwadi Recruitment that is http://www.nellai.tn.nic.in/ To catch one of the next suitable notices of recruitment stay tuned with us. All the best in advance to all applicants for this chance of job!
Close View of Tirunelveli Anganwadi Recruitment 2017:
Name of the Organization: Tirunelveli Anganwadi
Name of the Vacancy: Noon Meal Organizer posts.
Number of Vacant Posts: 139 Posts
Apply Mode: Offline
Dead Line to Submit Online application form: 15th May 2017
http://www.nellai.tn.nic.in/ Post Wise Detailed Information:
Name of the Posts: Noon Meal Organizer Posts
Total No. of Posts: 139 Vacancies
Academic Records:
Applicants must have 8th, 10th from an accredited board / university / institute.
Age limits:
Applying contenders should not be less or equal to 40 years of age on 1st July 2017.
Relaxation in age will be given to the deserving candidates as per the norms of organization.
Salary Details:
Candidates will receive per month Rs. 2500/- to Rs. 5000/- with gross pay of Rs. 500/- per month.
Recruitment Process:
Selection will be made on the basis of interview which will be conducted by selection board.
How To Apply for 2017-2018 Tirunelveli Anganwadi Recruitment:
⇒ Eligible candidates can apply in prescribed application format through the official web portal of Tirunelveli Anganwadi Recruitment which is http://www.nellai.tn.nic.in/
⇒ Aspirants have to fill this form correctly with all required details and information.
Attach self attested photocopies of documents (age proof, qualification & experience certificates) with the application form.
⇒ Application should be sent to below mentioned address before 15th May 2017.
⇒ Super scribe the envelope with Application for the post of (Name of the post applied along with Serial Number of the Post).
Remind this Important Date:
Ending Date for receiving offline Application form is: 15th May 2017.
2017 Tirunelveli Anganwadi Recruitment Important Links:
Tirunelveli Anganwadi Recruitment official Website: http://www.nellai.tn.nic.in/
Tirunelveli Anganwadi Recruitment Official Notification and Application Form Link