Small Hand Big Art Annual Art Exploration 2015-2016
Small Hand Big Art Annual Art Exploration 2015-2016
Small Hand Big Art Annual Art Exploration 2015-2016: Small Hand Big Art is giving an opportunity to explore Children’s Art and to take pleasure in their creativity. By doing such things they wanted to draw the attention of teachers, children’s, their parents, and Society in the direction of Arts. Small Hand Big Art going to conduct Annual Art Exploration 2015-2016 to encourage the children who have talent in Arts.
Small Hand Big Art main Motto is encourages the Children, and gives them Guidance in such field. They will be put their arts in premium art galleries and this Gallery is going to be watch by who are in Fine Arts field, senior artist, and Senior Faculty members of fine art colleges, gallery owners, Art curators and Critics. By this Art gallery lot of members in their field who are experts in that going to be watched, It’s a big opportunity for you, to grow up, and getting valuable suggestions in your work. So children’s who are interested in this Small Hand Big Art Annual Art Exploration 2015-2016 can apply to this.
Organization name: Small Hand Big Art
Exam: The Annual Art Exploration 2015-2016
Last date: 15th October 2015
Age limit: 5-17 Years students
Cash Award: Rs.2000/-
Awards details of Small Hand Big Art Annual Art Exploration 2015-2016
1) All Over India 150 students will be awarded.
2) All participants will get the participation certificates
3) Awards will be distributed in category wise
(i) From category A&B they will select 25 members
(ii) From category C&D they will select 50 members
4) All 150 Students who are selected as winners will get Rs.2000/- cash award and merit certificate.
5) Schools who participate in this will get Appreciation certificates.
Small Hand Big Art Annual Art Exploration 2015-2016 full details
1) Students will be divided in to 4 categories
Category A: 5-8 years
Category A: 9-12 years
Category A: 13-15 years
Category A: 16-17 years
2) This contest is open from July 15th to October 15th, so school management can decide when they want to conduct this exam; this exam will be conduct in their school premises only.
3) By using Speed post school management can send their arts to Small Hand Big Art Annual Art Exploration.
4) Finally the Small Hand Big Art judges will select the winners and declared.
5) Winners in category C and D are invited for a sponsored 4-day Workshop and their work is displayed at a premier Art gallery.
Small Hand Big Art’s Annual Art Exploration 2015-16 – Important dates of events | |
17th July – 15th Oct | Schools to conduct Small Hand Big Art’s Annual Art Exploration Day – any day of their choice |
Jan 2016 | Results declared on our website |
1st – 31st Jan’16 | Communication to schools about winners, dispatching Certificate of Participation |
1st – 28th Feb’16 | Dispatching Certificate of Merit and Winners Award Cheques* for Category A and B |
May 2016 | Art Exhibition and 4-day Workshop |
Way to apply and fee details of Small Hand Big Art Annual Art Exploration 2015-2016
1) Schools didn’t get notification or invitation for this, schools themselves can participate and send it to SHBA.
2) Main theme is “Swachh Bharat”, but students can select any theme.
3) Art need to make in A3 size paper sheet only, canvas painting will not accept.
4) For each art the entry fee is Rs.150/- only.
5) Name of the School, Child, and Category, phone no of Art teacher or school should submit along with the art.
6) School should make a demand draft in favor of ‘KALAABUZZPVT LTD’ payable at Bangalore.
Small Hand Big Art,
Post Bag 10302,
Bangalore 560103,
Click here for Official Notification