OTET Syllabus 2015 Orissa/ Odisha TET Exam Paper Pattern
OTET Syllabus 2015 Orissa/ Odisha TET Exam Paper Pattern
OTET Syllabus 2015 Orissa/ Odisha TET Exam Paper Pattern: Odisha State Government has revealed a notification about (Odisha Teacher Eligibility Test) OTET. The team of Jobway.in is here depicting all the essential information regarding Odisha Teacher Eligibility Test. Contenders who are impatient and capable can appear the Orissa teacher eligibility test can learn the details of OTET which is described in the bellow section of this page. It is very essential for the contestants who have the dream to become a government teacher to know the syllabus of OTET (Odisha Teacher Eligibility Test). You will find Paper 1 and paper 2 exam pattern and topics here.
Anxious contestants who have the zeal to achieve a government teacher job of Orissa / Odisha state need to read the details given in this post regarding OTET – Orissa / Odisha Teacher Eligibility Test. Aspirants who want to crack the OTET exam can avail all the details of OTET syllabus and OTET exam pattern for both Paper 1 and Paper 2. And our team is giving you the advice to begin the OTET exam preparation with all your strengths.
Orissa / Odisha Teacher Eligibility Test (OTET) Exam Paper 1 & Paper 2 Pattern:
OTET — Odisha Teacher Eligibility Test has 2 Papers they are Paper 1 & Paper 2
Paper I is allotted for the candidates who want to become a government teacher for class I to V Class.
Paper II is allotted for the candidates who want to become a government teacher for class VI to VIII Class.
Contenders who are willing to become a teacher for class I Class to V Class and VI Class to VIII Class have to appear both paper I and paper II.
Subjects /Topics for OTET Syllabus( Orissa / Odisha Teacher Eligibility Test) I & II Papers: Find the info of OTET Paper Pattern bellow:
Paper I (OTET Pattern):
Topic/Subject | No of Qstns | Marks |
Child Development and pedagogy | 30 | 30 |
Language I (Odia/Urdu) | 30 | 30 |
Language II (English) | 30 | 30 |
Maths | 30 | 30 |
Environmental Studies | 30 | 30 |
Grand Total | 150 | 150 |
Paper II (OTET Pattern):
Subject/Discipline | No Of Qstns | Marks |
Child Development and pedagogy | 30 | 30 |
Language I (Odia/urdu) | 30 | 30 |
Language II (English) | 30 | 30 |
Grand Total | 90 | 90 |
Optionals (OTET Pattern):
Subject/Discipline | Qstns |
For Mathematics and Science Teachers | 60 (30 questions from mathematics and 30 questions from science) |
For Social studies Teachers | 60(30 questions from History and Political Science and 30 questions from Geography) |
Odisha Teacher Eligibility Test – OTET Syllabus Full Details:
Dear capable and willing applicants bellow get the Orissa / Odisha TET Syllabus (Teacher Eligibility Test).
Paper – I – OTET Syllabus 2015 (Teacher Eligibility Test):
OTET Syllabus 2015 – Section – A:
Child Development and Pedagogy-
Understanding Child Development during Childhood (focus on children at primary level)
Understanding Learning Process and Learners
Concept of Inclusive Education and Understanding Children with special needs
Approaches to teaching and learning
OTET Syllabus 2015 – Section B:
Language (Odia / Urdu / Hindi / Telugu / Bengali)-
Learning Odia / Urdu / Hindi / Telugu / Bengali at elementary level
Teaching, Reading and Writing Skills
Assessment of learning Odia / Urdu / Hindi / Telugu /Bengali
Language items
Language Comprehension
OTET Syllabus 2015 – Section C:
Language (English)-
Learning English at the Elementary Level
Language Learning
Skills in learning English
Assessment of English
Language items
OTET Syllabus 2015 – Section D:
Mathematics Education in Schools
Methods and Approaches to Teaching-Learning Mathematics
Assessment in Mathematics
Number System and Operation in Numbers
Shapes and spatial Relationship
Data Handling and Patterns
OTET Syllabus 2015 – Section E:
Environmental Studies (EVS)-
Methods and Approaches
Evaluation in EVS
Physical Features of Odisha and India
History of Freedom Struggle in India and Odisha
Health and Diseases
Internal Systems of Human Body
Matter, Force and Energy
Paper – II – OTET Syllabus 2015 – (Teacher Eligibility Test):
OTET Syllabus 2015 – Section A:
Child Development and Pedagogy-
Child Development (Focus on Upper Primary School Children)
Curriculum Teaching – Learning Approaches and Evaluation
OTET Syllabus 2015 – Section B:
Language 1 (Odia / Urdu / Hindi / Telugu / Bengali)-
Learning Odia / Urdu / Hindi / Telugu / Bengali at Upper Primary Level
Teaching Language
Assessment of Language
Elements of Odia / Urdu / Hindi / Telugu / Bengali Language
Language Items
Contribution of famous literates for development of Odia / Urdu / Hindi / Telugu / Bengali language
OTET Syllabus 2015 – Section C:
Language II (English)-
Learning English at Upper Primary Level
Development of English Language Skills
Assessment of learning English Language
Language Items
OTET Syllabus 2015 – Section D:
Mathematics (only for Mathematics and Science Teacher)-
Mathematics at Upper Primary Stage
Methods and Approaches to Teaching-Learning Mathematics
Evaluation in Mathematics
Number System
Commercial Arithmetic
Shapes and Spatial Relationship
OTET Syllabus 2015 – Section E:
Science (only for Mathematics and Science Teacher)-
Nature of Science
Methods and Approaches
Evaluation in Science
Physical Science
Life Science
OTET Syllabus 2015 – Section F:
Social Study (only for Social Study Teacher)-
Aims and Objectives of Teaching Social Studies
Methods and Approaches
Evaluation in Social Science
History and Political Science
Political Science
Click here To Download Orissa/Odisha OTET 2015 – 2016 admit cards/hall tickets