Assistant to Disabled Persons (ADIP) Scheme for Purchase/ Fitting of Aids/Appliances
Assistant to Disabled Persons (ADIP) Scheme for Purchase/ Fitting of Aids/Appliances
Assistant to Disabled Persons (ADIP) Scheme for Purchase/ Fitting of Aids/Appliances: Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Government of India New Delhi Introduced New Scheme for Disabled Persons. According to Surveys India has Huge number of Disabled Persons, Most of them has no sufficient money to live and buy Productive lives. This Assistant to Disabled Persons (ADIP) Scheme is very help full to those persons for Purchase, Fitting of Aids, to buy Appliances like a wheel chair, an artificial limb, crutch, a brace, a splint, hearing Machine.
The main motto of this Assistant to Disabled Persons (ADIP) Scheme is to help Disabled persons for Purchase fitting of aids, Appliances and reduce some percentage of their Disability and work easily like normal persons, and improve their economic potential.
The Assistant to Disabled Persons (ADIP) Scheme Cost Range :
Hearing & Speech Rs.500/-
Visually Disabled Rs.1,000/-
Orthographically disabled Rs.3,000/-
Amount of Assistance Total Income
Full cost of Aid Rs.5,000 pm
appliance 50% of cost Rs.5,000 to Rs.8,000/- per month
Eligibility for Assistant to Disabled Persons (ADIP) Scheme :
1) Societies, registered under the Societies Registration Act,1860 and their branches, if any, separately.
2) Registered charitable trusts
3) District Rural Development Agencies, Indian Red Cross societies and other Autonomous Bodies headed by District
Collector/Chief Executive Officer/District Development Officer of Zilla Parishad.
4) National/Apex institutes including ALIMCO functioning under administrative control of the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment/Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
5) State Handicapped Development Corporations.
6) Local Bodies – Zilla Parishad, Municipalities, District autonomous Development Councils and Panchayats.
7) Nehru Yuvak Kendras.
for more details and Application for Central Scheme of Assistance to Disabled Persons for Purchase/Fitting of Aids/Appliances and for application form please click on below links