Project Assistant-III walk-ins in CSIR-Central Electrochemical Research Institute on 08-Oct-2014

Project Assistant-III walk-ins in CSIR-Central Electrochemical Research Institute on 08-Oct-2014

From CSIR-Central Electrochemical Research Institute Applications are invited from the eligible and willing candidates to fill the following temporary positions. Qualification for the job is Post Graduation. Job location is Karaikudi. Walk in date is 8th October 2014.

Project Assistant-III walk-ins in CSIR-Central Electrochemical Research Institute

Name of the vacancy: Project Assistant-III
Qualification for the Vacancy: M.Sc. in Physics / Chemistry with 55% marks (for SC/ ST 50%).

Name of the vacancy: Project Assistant-III
Qualification for the Vacancy: M.Sc. in Chemistry/ Physics/ Materials Science with 55% marks (for SC/ ST 50%).

Name of the vacancy: Project Assistant-III
Qualification for the Vacancy: 55% marks with M.Sc. in Chemistry (for SC/ ST 50%)

Name of the vacancy: Project Assistant-III
Qualification for the Vacancy: M.Sc. in Materials Science / Chemistry with 55% marks (for SC/ ST 50%).

Applying Process:
Candidates who are interested and eligible can attend the walk in on 08-Oct-2014 at Central Electrochemical Research Institute at Karaikudi with all the original documents which are attested and an application which is duly filled at the location.

Time of the Walk-in-interview: 08-Oct-2014

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